Management of socio-psychological processes​

Languages of instruction:

Kazakh, Russian

Specialized subjects at the UNT:

Biology and Geography

International programs:

Academic mobility; Dual Degree program

What is it?​

This program is suitable for those who want to help establish work in companies and organizations or work with staff, and may also be of interest to those who want to engage in psychological counseling, including opening their own private practice.


Social and personal:

  • The ability to make socially responsible decisions in non-standard situations of professional activity;
  • He is able to flexibly adapt to various professional situations, show creativity, initiative and perseverance in achieving professional and personal goals;
  • He is able to flexibly adapt to various professional situations, show creativity, initiative and perseverance in achieving professional and personal goals;

Professional: ​

  • Knowledge of the theoretical basis and methodology of scientific psychology and is able to apply its principles in various forms of changing reality;
  • Possess high-quality knowledge of socio-psychological phenomena, determination of individual psychological differences, psychological patterns of age and cultural socialization of a person, factors of his learning and cognitive development;
  • Possess empirical and experimental methods of conducting psychological research, methods of mathematical evaluation and processing of the obtained data.