Event management and organization

Languages of instruction:

Kazakh, Russian, English

Specialized subjects at the UNT:

Geography and Foreign language

International programs:

Academic mobility; Dual Degree program

What is it?

The educational program “Management and organization of events” is aimed at training future specialists who carry out their professional activities at enterprises of the hospitality industry, who will be competitive in the labor market, in demand by timely enterprises and market structures, able to effectively adapt to dynamically changing social and professional conditions of activity in the hospitality industry, as well as those with organizational and managerial skills in conducting small and large-scale events


  • Knowledge and skills in creating and maintaining project documentation, understanding project management tools, intellectual potential and strategic thinking (creative thinking and innovation/ analytical and conceptual thinking), change management of the company and adaptation of its own activities;
  • Knowledge and skills in effective work, both individually and in a team, to show sociability and psychological preparedness in practical activities in the specialty, in working with specialists from related fields, to make managerial decisions; to be able to organize the work of performers.