
Languages of instruction:

Kazakh, Russian, English

Specialized subjects at the UNT:

Geography and Mathematics

International programs:

Academic mobility; Dual Degree program

What is it?

Preparation of a bachelor with fundamental knowledge in the field of management, easily adaptable to changing market requirements and modern technologies, able to work both individually and in a team, with knowledge and competencies in the field of business subject management, production and innovation management, able to assess risks and crisis phenomena and make timely decisions to overcome crisis situations; preparing graduates for organizational and managerial, information and analytical, entrepreneurial and research activities as executors or junior-level managers, as well as for continuing their studies in master’s and doctoral studies.


  • Independence and the ability to make responsible decisions;
  • A creative approach to any business;
  • Flexibility of thinking, the presence of abstract, systematic and experimental thinking;
  • The ability to conduct dialogues and communication skills;
  • Performing administrative functions;
  • Organization of work processes;
  • Preparation and implementation of management decisions;
  • Ensuring the proper level of motivation of subordinates.