Economics and Management

Languages of instruction:

Kazakh, Russian, English

Specialized subjects at the UNT:

Geography and Mathematics

International programs:

Academic mobility; Dual Degree program

What is it?

The educational program “Economics and Management” is aimed at training personnel who are competitive in the labor market in the field of economics and management, in demand by enterprises and organizations of any firm of ownership and industry affiliation, possessing organizational and managerial skills, possessing a high level of critical and analytical thinking, capable of developing effective solutions in the context of global digitalization of the economy.


  • Possession of economic tools and their use in making decisions of an economic and organizational nature in the context of digitalization of the economy in production activities and evaluation of its effectiveness;
  • To use knowledge of economic theory, fundamentals of management and special disciplines in their professional activities, to understand and interpret the economic meaning of social phenomena, problems in the field of organization, planning and management of economic activity;
  • Possess analytical and critical thinking skills, be able to generate original ideas, correctly interpret specific facts and quantitative economic indicators, and give an expert assessment of the phenomena of public life