PR and Advertising

Languages of instruction:

Kazakh, Russian ​

Specialized subjects at the UNT:

Creative exams

International programs:

Academic mobility; Dual Degree program

What is it?​

Training of highly qualified specialists in the field of communication activities in the Internet environment, based on the possession of an integrated approach to the management of Internet communications. Our goal is to train highly qualified specialists in the field of advertising and public relations, who know the theoretical and practical aspects of mass and special communications; who know the technologies of new media, advertising, PR – public relations, as well as technologies for creating and managing media content; who have the skills of media planning, project management, and marketing research. We are talking about both universal specialists in integrated communications management and highly focused specialists in the field of advertising, PR and new media


  • Knowledge of the basics of advertising in the media (content, legal and economic aspects);
  • The ability to work with advertising within the framework of specific job responsibilities;
  • Knowledge of the basic forms and methods of organizing cooperation with representatives of various segments of society;
  • The ability to organize a PR and advertising service in organizations of various forms of activity;
  • Knowledge of the methods of press services and the work of the press secretary of public and non-governmental organizations;
  • Knowledge of methods of preparation of advertising materials and broadcasts with the participation of the audience, interactive communication projects (including using the Internet and mobile communications);
  • Design programs and individual events in the field of advertising and public relations