Business Administration​

Languages of instruction:

Kazakh, Russian, English

Specialized subjects at the UNT:

Geography and Mathematics​

International programs:

Academic mobility; Dual Degree program

What is it?

Preparation of graduates for organizational and managerial, entrepreneurial activities in the field of management of business organizations as performers or managers.


  • Knowledge and skills in functional areas of business, including: marketing, enterprise finance, accounting and management
  • Understanding the business. The ability to identify and develop the competitive advantages of companies related to innovations, the use of new technologies and the organization of work taking into account innovations and strategic perspectives, the assessment of human resources and the creation of conditions for its effective use and development.
  • Time management skills for the implementation of competencies when using analytical tools (data collection, analysis, processing, grouping) and the ability to critically assess the situation.
  • The ability to reflect, objectively assess one’s achievements, analyze the situation and the ability to build effective communications, possess various forms of communicative influence and the ability to influence the results of teamwork, to maintain team spirit.