B095 Transport services
Number of grants
- International Business Logistics
- Organization and Management of Logistics
Current information for 2023.
What is it?
“Transport services” is a field of activity that provides effective planning, management and control of the processes of movement of material, labor, energy, and information flows in production systems, circulation of goods and services. The use of modern logistics systems allows you to reduce up to 70% of the cost of the product. Due to the introduction of logistics systems at enterprises, the export capabilities of business entities are increasing. Logistics, as an interdisciplinary science, is closely related to marketing, management, business engineering and other areas of management activity. The work is related to the organization of routes, solving current problems, analyzing and assessing risks. He does his work on a computer, with special software. In addition to working at a computer, it is necessary to negotiate with suppliers and customers. The work requires great accuracy in the organization of timely delivery of cargo, attentiveness and quickness of reaction. He must speak foreign languages, know economics, accounting, management, legal acts on international trade, cargo transportation
Who do graduates of this specialty work for?
After graduating from the specialty “Transport services” at UIB University, you will be able to find a job in these areas:
- Logistician;
- Sales Agent;
- Analyst;
- A virtual logistician.
Acquired skills
Students enrolled in the program “Transport services” during their studies, they gain skills and knowledge in such areas as:
- Organization of business logistics;
- Warehousing, transportation and storage management;
- Organization and management of demand, production and distribution;
- Ownership of software products and other tools in logistics;
- Knowledge of legal aspects in logistics;
- Doing international business in logistics;
- Process management in international business logistics;
- Creating projects in international business logistics;
- Legal aspects in international business logistics.
- Logistics companies;
- An airport;
- Railway companies;
- Air Astana;
- Kazakhstan Temir zholy;
- DHL;
- Lufthansa;
- Kazpost;
- Bel Air.
- Logistics companies;
- An airport;
- Railway companies;
- Air Astana;
- Kazakhstan Temir zholy;
- DHL;
- Lufthansa;
- Kazpost;
- Bel Air.
More than 70% of the teachers are practitioners – a distinctive feature of UIB is that it is a university of practical knowledge. This is the most important competitive advantage of our educational institution, which prioritizes strengthening the practical orientation of training specialists
Specialized workshops, training seminars, guest lectures from successful people working in this field
The specialized program takes into account the wishes and capabilities of the listener: the individual educational and thematic plan contains a list and sequence of subjects, the subject of classes and their time, as well as the possibility of private one-on-one consultations with the teacher in the main specialized disciplines, where the listener can ask exactly the questions that he faces directly in his work