Hospitality Management

Languages of instruction:

Kazakh, Russian, English

Specialized subjects at the UNT:

Geography and Foreign language

International programs:

Academic mobility; Dual Degree program

What is it?

The educational program “Hospitality Management” is aimed at training managers who are competitive in the labor market, in demand by modern enterprises and market structures, able to effectively adapt to dynamically changing social and professional conditions of activity in the hospitality industry, the educational program is aimed at teaching hospitality, such as hotels, resorts, catering establishments, shopping and entertainment complexes, casinos, amusement parks, and other related businesses


  • Knowledge and skills in the theory of management of accommodation and catering establishments, law, management, promotion of an intangible product, in their practical activities, to understand the essence of the main phenomena and urgent problems in the field of management of organizations of the hospitality industry;
  • Free use of specialized programs Amadeus, R-keeper, Shelter, fluency in Excel, Outlook, and all Microsoft Office programs for document management, generation of reports in these programs, the ability to analyze and interpret them.