B045 Audit and taxation
Number of grants
- Accounting and taxation
Current information for 2023.
What is it?
This program provides an opportunity to master practical accounting skills and more. Having studied under this program, you become a specialist capable of auditing, that is, checking documents, financial and tax statements and consulting activities related to the adjustment of accounting.
Who do graduates of this specialty work for?
After graduating from the specialty “Audit and Taxation” at UIB University, you will be able to find a job in these areas:
- Accountant;
- The Auditor;
- Economist;
- Analyst;
- Financial manager.
Expected learning outcomes and acquired competencies
Students enrolled in the Audit and Taxation program gain skills and knowledge in areas such as:
- The ability to find, process and analyze information from different sources;
- The ability to widely apply the skills of regulatory regulation in professional activities;
- Application of the conceptual and regulatory framework for the preparation of financial statements, accounting for transactions in various sectors of the economy, analysis and interpretation of financial statements, preparation and presentation of financial statements for individual enterprises in accordance with IFRS and ISA;
- Demonstrating knowledge and understanding of accounting and auditing methods, concepts and meaning of reporting for internal and external users;
- Mastering the methods of reporting, review, coverage and systematization of information, analysis of information on decisions of professional activity, examination of documents;
- Apply accounting methods in the preparation of financial statements, use the skills of working in the automated SONO system and in the Taxpayer’s Office;
- Application of statistical, economic and mathematical methods in professional and practical activities;
- To organize his work on a scientific basis, to possess computer methods of collecting, storing and processing (editing) information used in the field of his professional activity; to use modern information technologies.
- Kostanay Minerals JSC
- “DAMU”
- JSC “Air Astana”
- Kazpost JSC
- Kazmunaygas JSC
- KazTransGas JSC
- RG Brands JSC
- JSC “Bast”
- Interfarma K
- JSC, FoodMaster JSC
- , Kazakhtelecom JSC
- , Altynalmas JSC
- , Kcell JSC
- KGP Almatyelectrotrans
- GKP Vodokanal
- DGP Almatygor NPTsem
- LLP “E.S.T. Audit”
- LLP “BDO Kazakhstanaudit”
- TOO “Raimbek Bottlers”
- TOO “Asia Pro ”
- Kostanay Minerals JSC
- “DAMU”
- JSC “Air Astana”
- Kazpost JSC
- Kazmunaygas JSC
- KazTransGas JSC
- RG Brands JSC
- JSC “Bast”
- Interfarma K
- JSC, FoodMaster JSC
- , Kazakhtelecom JSC
- , Altynalmas JSC
- , Kcell JSC
- KGP Almatyelectrotrans
- GKP Vodokanal
- DGP Almatygor NPTsem
- LLP “E.S.T. Audit”
- LLP “BDO Kazakhstanaudit”
- TOO “Raimbek Bottlers”
- TOO “Asia Pro ”
More than 70% of the teachers are practitioners – a distinctive feature of UIB is that it is a university of practical knowledge. This is the most important competitive advantage of our educational institution, which prioritizes strengthening the practical orientation of training specialists
Specialized workshops, training seminars, guest lectures from successful people working in this field
The specialized program takes into account the wishes and capabilities of the listener: the individual educational and thematic plan contains a list and sequence of subjects, the subject of classes and their time, as well as the possibility of private one-on-one consultations with the teacher in the main specialized disciplines, where the listener can ask exactly the questions that he faces directly in his work