More than 70% of teachers are practitioners

25 educational programs

82.73% are successfully employed

more than 450 business partners
Bachelor’s degree is a modern, promising, profitable in many respects trajectory for obtaining a full–fledged higher education, recognized in all developed countries of the world. According to the Law on Education, the duration of bachelor’s degree is at least 4 years. The Bachelor’s degree program provides fundamental training without a narrow specialization. It is of a general scientific and general professional nature.
A bachelor’s degree is a diploma of full-fledged higher education of the state standard. It provides grounds for holding positions that require higher education and grounds for continuing studies in a master’s degree. The choice of the IB Bachelor’s degree as the level of higher education and the trajectory of professional training has a number of advantages and advantages
Documents for review
UIB Educational Program Groups
Threshold UNT scores for applying for a state grant at UIB:
From 50 points on the Unified National Testing. Of these:
At least 5 points: In 2 Specialized subjects and the History of Kazakhstan
At least 3 points: In mathematical literacy and Reading literacy - For the group of educational programs "Law" from 75 points
Documents required for admission to UIB:

- Application addressed to the First Head;
- Document on general secondary, technical and vocational (secondary vocational, post-secondary) or higher education (original);
- Six 3x4 photo cards;
- Medical certificate on form 075-U;
- Fluorography;
- Certificate of UNT or CT (original);
- Identification document;
- Health passport (or vaccination card form 063);
- certificate of military registration (for boys)
- Foreign citizens are admitted to the University in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as international treaties ratified by the Republic of Kazakhstan.
- If the applicant has decided to pick up the documents from the University, he must have a receipt for accepting the documents and an identity card with him.