Scientific Center
Scientific Center "Center of Business & Social Research"
The project is being implemented with the financial support of the Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2021-2023. (Grant no. AR09058488 )
This project, aimed at modernizing social and public life in the country, supports the friendly attitude of society towards the elderly. This is especially true during the difficult period of the spread of coronavirus infection, from which the mortality rate of the elderly population is much higher than in other age groups. The deterioration of the economic situation will inevitably affect the steadily aging world and the life of the elderly population as one of the vulnerable groups of the population. Based on expert assessments by world institutions, the period of recovery from the pandemic (or post-COVID-19) may take several years. From a scientific point of view, the impact of this relationship has not been sufficiently studied and therefore it is vital to investigate and identify the key trends of the global pandemic in the case of Kazakhstan.

The main purpose of the scientific project
The main goal of the scientific project is to analyze the impact of COVID-19 on the problem of population aging and the vital activity of the elderly population of the Republic of Kazakhstan through an assessment of the quality of life and employment opportunities, by developing proposals for social modernization and implementing policies friendly to the elderly in the post-pandemic period.
The main purpose of the scientific project
The main results of the study will be proposals, practical recommendations, an algorithm of measures for social modernization and the implementation of a policy friendly to the elderly in the post-pandemic period, identified through an assessment of the quality of life, employment opportunities and socio-demographic characteristics of the population of retirement and pre-retirement age of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in the form of publications
In the course of 1 year of research, the following results were obtained on the tasks set:
The influence of Covid-19 on the aging trend of the population and the state of social policy in Kazakhstan has been studied;
The difference between the "aging", "elderly", "old" and "retirement" ages has been determined;
The main features of socio-demographic policy in Kazakhstan are revealed;
A comparative analysis of traditional and alternative indicators of demographic burden is carried out;
The classification of the elderly in the employment market according to international and national characteristics is carried out;
The world experience of employment of the elderly population has been studied;
A content analysis of the development of the pandemic with a sample for the elderly population was carried out;
The main risk factors of Covid-19, including old age, have been studied;
It has been determined that the mortality of the elderly population from Covid-19 has a gender imbalance;
The new terminology relevant during the pandemic and the post-Covid-19 period in relation to the elderly has been systematized.
According to the results, 1 scientific article has been published in an international peer-reviewed journal, 1 article in publications recommended by COXON of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and a textbook on calculating alternative coefficients of demographic burden.
Also, within the framework of the project, two business trips were carried out in 2021
- Европейская Экономическая Комиссия Организации Объединенных Наций (ЕЭК ООН), отдел народонаселения, Женева, Швейцария. (Октябрь 2021 г.)
- Западно-Саксонский Университет, Департамент по здоровому старению (долголетию) и департамент бизнес-администрирования, управленческого учета и внутреннего аудита, Цвиккау, Германия. (Декабрь, 2021 г.)