B044 Management and Management
Number of grants
- Management
- Business administration
- Economics and Management
- Art-management
Current information for 2023.
What is it?
Business management is about professionalism! Become a professional with USB!
Future managers and managers study economic theory, management, marketing in the digital economy, statistics, personnel management, strategic management, project management, critical thinking, econometrics, financial resource management, management accounting.
Advanced study of foreign languages.
The main function of a successful manager and manager is management, which includes the process of planning, organization, motivation, control and forecasting.
Who do graduates of this field work for?
After completing your studies in Management and Management at UIB University, you will be able to find a job in these areas:
- Entrepreneur;
- Quality management and Risk Management System Manager;
- HR manager;
- Top manager;
- Business project manager;
- Director of LLP;
- Individual entrepreneur in the international market;
- Leading and chief specialist in management;
- Financial manager, etc.
Acquired skills
Students enrolled in the program “Management and Management” during their studies gain skills and knowledge in such areas as:
- Verification and processing of initial accounting information;
- Development of the organization’s accounting policy;
- Organization of strategy in a business environment;
- Leadership and human resources management;
- Organization of team interaction for solving management tasks;
- Practical application of analytical and computational methods in making managerial decisions on project management;
- Assessment of production and market relations of the enterprise, design of business processes of the enterprise.
- JSC “Almaty City Development Center”;
- Danone Berkut LLP;
- Department of State Revenue in Almaty;
- DASS & Partners LLP;
- OUL in the form of the association “Association of Light Industry Enterprises of the Republic of Kazakhstan”;
- Kazkommertsbank JSC;
- JSC NC “Kazakhstan Temir Zholy”;
- JSC “Air Astana”;
- Kazpost;
- KazMunayGas;
- Foodmaster LLP.
- JSC “Almaty City Development Center”;
- Danone Berkut LLP;
- Department of State Revenue in Almaty;
- DASS & Partners LLP;
- OUL in the form of the association “Association of Light Industry Enterprises of the Republic of Kazakhstan”;
- Kazkommertsbank JSC;
- JSC NC “Kazakhstan Temir Zholy”;
- JSC “Air Astana”;
- Kazpost;
- KazMunayGas;
- Foodmaster LLP.
Более 70% преподавателей-практиков – это отличительная особенность UIB состоит в том, что он является университетом практических знаний. Это важнейшее конкурентное преимущество нашего учебного заведения, которое ставит своим приоритетом усиление практической направленности подготовки специалистов
Специализированные мастер-классы, семинар-тренинги, гостевые лекции от успешных людей, работающих в этой сфере
Специализированная программа учитывает пожелания и возможности слушателя: индивидуальный учебно-тематический план содержит перечень и последовательность изучения дисциплин, тематику занятий и их время, а также возможность частных консультаций один на один с преподавателем по основным специализированным дисциплинам, на которых слушатель может задать именно те вопросы, с которыми он сталкивается непосредственно в своей работе