Mission: based on the trinity of education, science, and clinical training of highly qualified medical personnel in demand on the domestic and international medical field. The goal of this program is to generate world class medical doctors, who will be more competent & highly trained. The IMS uses the latest equipment that has all the necessary certificates and licenses. The university consists of high qualified teachers who have specialists in higher professional education and high qualifications. It has Developed technical mastery as well as qualities important to future physicians: compassion, communication, and thoughtful leadership. IMS provides advance knowledge that Develop the skills, in building a new medical education with state-of-the- art medical training tools, simulation suites and interactive small-group rooms that encourage active learning.
The educational leadership of IMS constantly struggles for excellence and incorporates changes in medical knowledge and practice and treats all members of the learning community with esteem.
Vision: a recognized Kazakhstan organization in the medical – education, science and clinical practice, a center for international cooperation and partnerships.
Values and ethical principles:
Academic culture, honesty, and integrity.
Democratic and ethical governance, management.
Research based on academic integrity and ethical principles.
International collaboration focused on ethical standards in higher education.

International Medical School (IMS)
The International Medical School (IMS)
embraces the principle that mirrors the values of the medical profession. Many students look for an MBBS college in foreign countries with similar standards of education, MBBS in Kazakhstan gives a lot of opportunity to the students willing to pursue MBBS abroad. IMS is providing General Medicine — 5 years MD Course in English Medium. This Course is equivalent to M.B.B.S. program in India.
It is advanced Medical Degree Program, which will be focused more on Practical Skills & will provide the knowledge in Latest Medical Technologies. MBBS in Kazakhstan is very affordable as compared to UK, US, Philippines, Bangladesh, Ukraine etc. Thousands of students from India apply every year to get MBBS Admission in Kazakhstan due to the lowest fee package for MBBS and reasonable cost of living.
– Dean of Students affairs: Sheikh Mudasir
– Dean for educational and methodological work Nuftiyeva Ainur
– Vice Dean: Mukasheva Gulmira
– Head of department of preclinical disciplines: Syed Fahad
– Head of department of clinical disciplines: Nurkhat Amirbekovich
Head of department of preclinical disciplines: Syed Fahad
The Department of Preclinical Disciplines (hereinafter referred to as PCD) was founded in 2022. The main activity of the department is to develop understanding of basic medical subjects in speciality of bachelor medicine educational program. Teaching learning activities include lectures, tutorials, practical, group research project and community based teaching and distance learning through Microsoft, moodle and other platforms. The educational process carries out educational, research, laboratorial and methodological work in seminar-practical classes, conferences and in debates.
The PCD department has several laboratories in the field of Anatomy, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Histology and Pathology.
Goal of the PCD Department involves; improvement of scientific work of students as well as teachers under organizational, scientific, educational and methodological activities of basic medical educational programs; development of new teaching and learning methods.
Quantitative composition of the department in the 2022-2024 : total number of teaching staff – 51 personnels , of which full-time teaching staff – 31 personnels, part-time (internal) – 20 personnels.
Area of disciplines of Pre-Clinical Department:
Molecular biology and genetics
Molecular biology and genetics
Medical anatomy
Histology and Embryology
General pathology -1
Public medicine
General pathology -2
Head of department of clinical disciplines: Nurkhat Amirbekovich
The Department of Clinical Disciplines is an educational, scientific, and administrative structural unit of the International Medical School of the University of International Business established with the aim of training foreign students in one or more educational programs in the field of Health and social security (medicine) in English.
The department trains full-time specialists and unites the teaching staff, teaching and support staff and various categories of students in educational programs.
In its activities, the department is guided by the Legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of education, healthcare, orders and orders of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Charter of the University, decisions of the Educational Council of the University, the Educational and Methodological Council, orders and orders of the leadership, other normative documents of an external and internal nature regulating the activities of an educational institution
The structure of the department includes: Head of the Department of “Clinical disciplines”, Head of the course of therapeutic disciplines, teaching staff.
The department maintains contact with departments that are not part of the faculty, but provide assistance (support, service) in the implementation of educational, methodological and scientific work of teachers and students.
The department is headed by a head who carries out general management, appointed and dismissed by order of the Rector of the University.
The Head reports directly to the Dean. The functions, tasks, powers and responsibilities of the head are regulated by the job description.
The main task of the department is to train highly qualified personnel (specialists) with professional knowledge, skills and competencies in a given specialty.
Functions of the department: Management and planning of the educational process. Development, coordination, and approval of work curricula for relevant specialties.
Development, coordination and approval of individual curricula; Ensuring teaching staff compliance with the schedule of training sessions; Organization of development, coordination and approval of internship and internship programs; Establishing contacts with clinics to compile a database of practices/ internships; Ongoing quality control of teaching; Accounting for session and intermediate academic performance; Educational and methodological work – Ensuring the quality of teaching, Implementation of international standards standards of the educational process; science management of scientific research and development on topical issues in the following areas, involvement of practitioners and leading scientists in the educational process; formation of a personnel reserve of scientific and pedagogical personnel, preparation of documents for obtaining licenses for new educational programs; preparation of documents for obtaining international accreditations; implementation of normative and methodological documentation, control and analysis of its application; the introduction of modern methods of educational process management using automated systems.
Area of disciplines of Department of Clinical disciplines :
Introduction to Clinical medicine
Propaedeutics internal diseases
Internal disease
Forensic medicine
Introduction to Pediatrics
General surgery
Infectious diseases
Psychiatry and Narcology
– Dean of Students affairs: Sheikh Mudasir
– Dean for educational and methodological work Nuftiyeva Ainur
– Vice Dean: Mukasheva Gulmira
Our Mission & Vision
IMS has created to study an innovative curriculum at medical school, constantly strives for the excellent responds and incorporates changes in medical knowledge and practical. Its’s aim is to turn new scientific knowledge in medical school for students, so in future they can serve better health for patients and population throughout the world. The medical school aim is to foster the most effective academic, clinical education, research and environment possible.
Almaty is the former capital of Kazakhstan and the largest city of the country. It’s the gateway of many travelers who start their journey in the country. It served as the capital during the Soviet Union and six years after independence in 1991. Almaty is built on a slope via which travelers can easily navigate the city. It is in the foothills of the Trans-Ili Ala-Tau Mountains. Almaty remains most developed, most ethnically and culturally diverse city in Kazakhstan. The name Almaty comes from the Kazakh name ‘Alma-Ata’, which means ‘father of apples’. It is believed that the Almaty region is the birthplace of the first apple on earth.
About Almaty
The faculty of the department actively participated in the International Forum dedicated to the 85th anniversary of academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, K.A. Sagadiev, titled “Kazakhstan’s Development Trajectories in the Face of Global Challenges” on April 20-21, 2023, at the K. Sagadiev University of International Business. Associate Professor of the Department of General Education, M.B. Kudaibergenov, delivered a report titled “Spiritual Development of the Individual and a Healthy Lifestyle: Some Socio-Psychological Issues”; Associate Professors of the “Preclinical Disciplines” Department, Vikas Kumar and Sajjad Ahmad Bhat, presented on “The Role of Information Technology in Healthcare.”
On November 18, 2023, a roundtable discussion with international participation, titled “Development Trajectories of the Silver Economy,” was held by the faculty at the K. Sagadiev University of International Business. Participants included A.B. Sadykova, President of the National Medical Association of Doctors of the Republic of Kazakhstan; B.M. Kabylov, Chairman of the Veterans’ Council of the Almaly District of Almaty; S.S. Beketayeva, Director of the City Center for Active Longevity; A.Sh. Baisultanova, Chief Geriatric Physician of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan; H.B. Bismildin, General Brand Manager of LLP MKK “VKE”; V.V. Chaykovska, Director of the Center for Continuing Professional Education of the Institute of Gerontology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine; and M.E. Mansurova, Head of the Department of “Artificial Intelligence and Big Data” at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. A decision was made based on the outcomes of the roundtable discussion.

Mission: based on the trinity of education, science, and clinical training of highly qualified medical personnel in demand on the domestic and international medical field. The goal of this program is to generate world class medical doctors, who will be more competent & highly trained. The IMS uses the latest equipment that has all the necessary certificates and licenses. The university consists of high qualified teachers who have specialists in higher professional education and high qualifications. It has Developed technical mastery as well as qualities important to future physicians: compassion, communication, and thoughtful leadership. IMS provides advance knowledge that Develop the skills, in building a new medical education with state-of-the- art medical training tools, simulation suites and interactive small-group rooms that encourage active learning.
The educational leadership of IMS constantly struggles for excellence and incorporates changes in medical knowledge and practice and treats all members of the learning community with esteem.
Vision: a recognized Kazakhstan organization in the medical – education, science and clinical practice, a center for international cooperation and partnerships.
Values and ethical principles:
Academic culture, honesty, and integrity.
Democratic and ethical governance, management.
Research based on academic integrity and ethical principles.
International collaboration focused on ethical standards in higher education.