+7 (701) 311-30-33

Almaty, Kazakhstan

Vibrant Location

It is Located in Almaty – The most vibrant city of Kazakhstan.

Mess & Hostel Facility

Separate mess both for the boys and girls with the hostel facilities.

English Medium

We Offer all the programs in English Medium.

International Collaboration

International collaboration with other top Medical Colleges.

Practical Knowledge

Study is more focused on Practical Knowledge.

Separate Hostel Facility

Separate hostels both for the boys and girls.

International Medical School (IMS)


The International Medical School (IMS) embraces the principle that mirrors the values of the medical profession. IMS is Providing General Medicine- 6 years MD Course in English Medium. About 500 students are currently studying at the faculty 

It is advanced Medical Degree Program, which will be focused more on Practical Skills & will provide the knowledge in Latest Medical Technologies.Read More




  • Dean of Students affairs:   Sheikh Mudasir
  • Dean for educational and methodological work Nuftiyeva Ainur
  • Vice Dean:   Mukasheva Gulmira
  • Head of department of general educational disciplines: Yermekbayeva Gulzira
  • Head of department of preclinical disciplines: Syed Fahad
  • Head of department of clinical disciplines: Nurkhat Amirbekovich

Departments of International medical School

Our Mission & Vision

Mission: based on the trinity of education, science, and clinical training of highly qualified medical personnel in demand on the domestic and international medical field. The goal of this program is to generate world class medical doctors, who will be more competent & highly trained. The IMS uses the latest equipment that has all the necessary certificates and licenses. The university consists of high qualified teachers who have specialists in higher professional education and high qualifications. It has Developed technical mastery as well as qualities important to future physicians: compassion, communication, and thoughtful leadership. IMS provides advance knowledge that Develop the skills, in building a new medical education with state-of-the- art medical training tools, simulation suites and interactive small-group rooms that encourage active learning.


The educational leadership of IMS constantly struggles for excellence and incorporates changes in medical knowledge and practice and treats all members of the learning community with esteem.

Vision: a recognized Kazakhstan organization in the medical — education, science and clinical practice, a center for international cooperation and partnerships.


Values and ethical principles:

Academic culture, honesty, and integrity.


Democratic and ethical governance, management.

Research based on academic integrity and ethical principles.


International collaboration focused on ethical standards in higher education.

About Almaty


Faculty teaching staff took an active part in the International Forum dedicated to the 85th anniversary of Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan K.A. Sagadiev “Development Trajectories of Kazakhstan in the Conditions of Global Challenges” 04/20-21/2023 on the basis of the UIB named after. K. Sagadiev. Associate Professor of the Department of General Educational Disciplines Kudaibergenov M.B. made a report “Spiritual development of personality and a healthy lifestyle: some socio-psychological problems”; Associate Professors of the Department of “Preclinical Disciplines” Vikas Kumar and Sajad Ahmad Bhat — with a report “Role of information technology in healthcare”. November 18, 2023, on the basis of the UIB named after. K. Sagadiev, through the faculty, held a round table with international participation “Trajectories of development of the silver economy.” The round table was attended by the President of the National Medical Association of Doctors of the Republic of Kazakhstan Sadykova A.B., Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the Almaly district of Almaty Kabylov B.M., Director of the city center for active longevity Beketaeva S.S., Chief geriatrician of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan Baysultanova A. Sh., General Brand Manager of MCC “VKE” LLP Bismildin Kh.B., Director of the Center for Additional Professional Education of the Institute of Gerontology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine V.V. Chaikovskaya, Head of the Department of “Artificial Intelligence and Big Data” Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Mansurova M.E. Based on the results of the round table, a resolution was adopted.