Developing skills and preparing teachers for leadership
The issue of training and professional development of local community leaders in the field of formal and non-formal education has become important in the partner countries due to the growing concern in society about the forms of citizen involvement in local democracy and new tools for working in society. The project is of great importance for meeting the priorities of partner countries at the national and regional levels in the field of teacher training and pedagogical science.

The project offers a complex system of training local community leaders by integrating formal and non-formal education through a developed curriculum in the form of a modular thematic cluster. The cluster combines elements of pedagogical, sociological, psychological, legal, economic and management programs.
One of the main innovative elements is the Public E-lab, which is an obligatory part of the Center for Non-formal Education of Local Community Leaders.
The electronic laboratory conducts training for potential and active community leaders on the formation of virtual communication skills in blogs and forums, including virtual communication with representatives of local authorities, deputies.

Specific goals:
Within the framework of the project, by analyzing the needs of the local community, the range of competencies provided by existing curricula of formal and non-formal education, the competencies necessary for various groups of local leaders will be determined.
The integration of formal and non-formal education can facilitate hands-on learning of skills that can significantly improve PC education systems, whose knowledge is still too theoretical to meet people’s real leadership needs.
Such integration can maximize the level of participation of the local population in local government and make people more active in their daily lives.
Specific goals:
- Development of an interdisciplinary modular thematic cluster for the training of leaders in a three-tier higher education system using the tools and mechanisms of the Bologna Progress.
- Modernization and development of retraining programs for local community leaders through the integration of formal and non-formal education.
- Creation of non-formal education centers for local community leaders with a public electronic laboratory as a platform for creating electronic networks, designing, developing and promoting socially significant ideas of the local community.

Project Coordinator: University of Cassino and Southern Lazio (Italy)
The composition of the project consortium:
University of International Business
The Mongolian University of Science and Technology, Mongolia
Non-profit limited company "Manash Kozybayev North Kazakhstan university"
National University of Mongolia
University of Santiago Compostela (USC)
Mongolian University of Life Sciences
Security and Freedom Foundation (Italy)
Irkutsk State Agrarian University named after A.A. Ezhevsky
Academy of Social Sciences (Poland)
Novgorod State University named after Yaroslav the Wise (Russia)

Director of the Department of Scientific Research
Tazhina G.O.
Academic Coordinator

Head of the International Department
Duisekina A.B.
Head of the Department

Director of the Language Center
Tatyeva Z.A.
Quality Assurance Coordinator

Senior Lecturer
Kulsharova N.H.

Expected results
1. Development of modules of the Master’s program for teacher training in the formal education system (MA 30 ECTS).
2. Development of teacher training programs for leadership in integrated formal and informal educational formats.
3. Creation of leadership training centers as platforms for the development, development and promotion of socially significant ideas of the local community, for the interaction of teachers with the local community.

From December 6 to December 8, 2021
At the University of International Business named after Kenzhegali Sagadieva (UIB) held meetings with representatives of the partner universities of the DeSTT project – Diana Spoolber (University of Social Sciences), Nurpeisova Aigul (University named after Kozybayeva) and the coordinators from the UIB. During the meetings, the following issues were discussed: Ensuring the quality of the project; further dissemination; activities conducted by the Educational Center for Leadership; implementation of the Master’s program.
DeSTT Trainings for NCPD “Orleu”
On May 6, 2020, a Skype meeting was held with the consortium’s partners, during which the main ideas for the implementation of the project, administrative issues, etc. were discussed.

Breathtaking Sights
On February 4-9, 2020, the University of Cassino and Southern Lazio hosted the opening meeting of the consortium partners. The University of International Business was represented by the director of the Language Center Tatieva Zh. – During the meeting, a special session was held, the consortium partners presented their universities. Key roles and responsibilities in the project were identified for all partners, key activities and expected results of the project were discussed: organization of project trainings at EU universities and master classes at target universities, development of training programs and introduction of modules or new disciplines into the educational process, purchase and installation of equipment, a sustainability and dissemination plan for the project, a strategy for ensuring quality management, grant finance management, budget spending regulations.
“The project is being implemented within the framework of the Erasmus+ program, funded by the European Commission.
The content of this publication/material is the responsibility of the author and does not reflect the point of view of the European Commission”