Languages of instruction:
Kazakh, Russian
Specialized subjects at the UNT:
World History and the Foundations of Law
International programs:
Academic mobility; Dual Degree program
What is it?
The purpose of the educational program 6B04208 “Jurisprudence” is to train specialists in the field of law who understand the issues of current national and international legislation, are competitive in the labor market, are in demand by modern enterprises and government agencies, are able to analyze and interpret normative material, apply the norms of the law in practice.
The graduation of specialists who are professionally able to ensure the protection and guarantees of compliance with the legitimate rights and interests of the state, individuals and legal entities arising in the legal sphere, the prevention of offenses, intolerance to corruption offenses, unconstitutional manifestations, their activities contribute to strengthening the rule of law, the formation and development of a high level of legal awareness and legal culture of the population.