Financial management


Languages of instruction:

Russian, Kazakh, English


Profile direction – 1 year;
Scientific and pedagogical direction – 2 years

Number of grants

90 grants – for 2023

The Master's degree in the educational program "Financial Management" at UIB is:

The purpose of the Financial Management educational program is to train highly qualified managers and specialists in the field of financial management, financial analysis, financial and tax planning, financial management, who have the necessary skills to provide information support for investment and financial management decisions.

Acquired skills:

Financial policy of capital formation and its structure

Asset and liability management strategy of the organization

Public finance management

Financial risk management methods

The main focus is on studying the current problems of modern financial markets, corporate finance, investment theory, risk management, methods of analyzing financial data and much more. Practice plays an important role in learning: graduates of the program create their own individual projects based on real data, very often these projects are created on the basis of a company where a student internships and immediately come to life.

Scientific Center​​

Career Center