Educational programs

Education – bachelor course – 6В10101 «General Medicine»

Program passport

Title: General Medicine

Code: 6В10101

Faculty: International Medical School

The mission of the educational program: Preparing highly qualified successful professionals with modern competencies and actively influencing the socio-economic development of Kazakhstan in a changing world.
The purpose of the educational program:Training of doctors who are able to effectively use advanced IT solutions and analytical methods to improve medical practice, ensure patient safety and improve healthcare in general.

Learning outcomes


Apply knowledge in the field of fundamental biomedical, epidemiological, clinical and socio-behavioral sciences to provide medical care aimed at preserving and maintaining the patient’s health.


Apply the skills of effective interaction with patients, their families and other members of the healthcare team to ensure comprehensive patient care


Apply the skills of providing effective patient-centered care, observing the principles of evidence-based medicine to ensure diagnosis, treatment, emergency care and prevention of diseases


To build effective cooperation with colleagues, including those abroad, to achieve professional goals and create conditions for the development of their creative abilities in compliance with ethical principles on the basis of constant self-assessment and lifelong learning


Apply modern digital and computer technologies; work with a large amount of information to effectively solve clinical problems.


Use the current regulatory framework of the healthcare system in their professional activities to ensure an optimal level of medical care.


Apply a research and analytical approach to clinical situations, with the assessment and implementation of treatment principles based on scientific data.


A graduate is able to serve patients within the healthcare system based on the current regulatory and legal framework for providing medical care.”


General education discipline (GED/MK):

Modern history Kazakhstan

Number of credits – 5
Type of control – State exam

Description : The discipline is aimed at forming the historical consciousness of students, is designed to give objective knowledge about the main stages of the country’s history, to direct the attention of young people to the problems of the formation and development of national statehood and socio-political life; political, historical and cultural processes in Kazakhstan.

  Foreign language

Number of credits – 10
Type of control –

Description :  The goal of the discipline is to form intercultural and communicative competence of students in the process of foreign language education at a sufficient level (A2, common European competence) and the level of basic sufficiency (B 1, common European competence). Depending on the level of training, the student at the time of completion of the course reaches the level B2 of the common European competence, if the language level of the student at the start is higher than the level B1 of the general operational competence.

 Kazakh ( Russian ) language

Number of credits – 10
Type of control –

Description:   The goal of the discipline is the formation of students’ language and speech competence in a volume that provides the opportunity to carry out educational activities in the Kazakh language (Russian) and is necessary for communication in social, social, cultural, educational areas within the A0-B1 level. Laying the foundations for further improvement of language knowledge and skills; expansion of educational horizons and penetration into the national culture.

  Information and communication technologies

Number of credits – 5
Type of control –

Description:  The main goal of the course is to teach students the basics and advanced computer technologies, information technologies available in modern means, thereby forming a young generation of specialists capable of solving various problems using their knowledge and skills that they receive during the course.




Number of credits – 5
Type of control –

Description: The subject, structure and functions of philosophy are studied. On the basis of the history of world and Kazakhstani philosophy, the key problems of the main branches of philosophical knowledge – ontology and epistemology, social philosophy, philosophy of history and culture, ethics, philosophy of religion, philosophical anthropology are considered. A special place is occupied by topical issues of scientific knowledge and global problems of modernity, the spiritual development of the individual.


Number of credits – 8
Type of control –
Differential offset

Description: Physical culture as an academic discipline is based on the theory and methodology of physical education, is closely interconnected and relies on such related sciences as: anatomy, human physiology, hygiene, medical supervision, valueology, psychology, biology. The subject of this discipline is the formation of a healthy lifestyle, the preservation and strengthening of the health of students to realize their abilities in the process of everyday activities.


Number of credits – 3
Type of control –

Description: Subject, object and methods of psychology. Sections of psychology. The place of psychology in the system of sciences and the history of the development of psychology as a science. The main directions of psychology. Composition, functions and properties of the central nervous system. Brain and psyche : principles and general mechanisms communications

  Sociology,  political science

Number of credits – 5
Type of control –

Description:  The discipline introduces the basics of sociology, its history and current state, the main methods of sociological research. The course includes topical problems of the social life of the individual; sociology of the family, sociology of behavior. The discipline also provides an insight into politics, the history of political doctrines and current issues of modern political theory and practice, political institutions and processes.

Basic disciplines (BD/UC):

 Molecular biology and genetics

Number of credits – 10
Type of control –

Description:  DNA, transcription, translation. Genetics, pedigree. Life genesis and patterns of development in general. Anthropogenesis and ontogenesis of man. Laws of genetics. Biosphere and ecology. manifestations of parasitism. Living systems, human physiology and ecology. Biological and ecological workshop. The discipline forms students’ modern knowledge about the cellular foundations of life, different types of cells, cell structure, understanding the unity of the cellular organization of all living forms.

  Medical anatomy

Number of credits – 13
Type of control –

Description: The discipline forms students’ ability to assess morphofunctional, physiological conditions and pathological processes in the human body , readiness to collect and analyze patient complaints, his anamnesis data, examination results, laboratory, instrumental, pathological-anatomical and other studies in order to recognize the condition or establish the presence or absence of a disease .



Number of credits – 16

Type of control – Exam

Description: General physiology, neuromuscular system, circulatory, respiratory system, cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, nutrition, environmental physiology, reproduction, kidneys, neurophysiology. Functional systems of the human body, their regulation and self-regulation under the influence of the external environment. Patterns of functioning of organs and systems. General morphology of organs and organ systems.


Number of credits – 10

Type of control – Exam

Description: Discipline shapes knowledge and practical skills in general microbiology , the importance of microorganisms in the life of man and society , to the classification, morphology and physiology of microorganisms and their identification. It studies the role and properties of microorganisms, their distribution and impact on human health. Research methods.


Number of credits – 10

Type of control – Exam

Description: The chemical nature of substances, chemical phenomena and active states in the body. Clinical biochemistry. Biological cell, biomolecules , enzymes, metabolic pathways, their regulation and metabolic relationships, digestion and nutrition, hormones, molecular biology, immunology, environmental biochemistry.

Histology and Embryology

Number of credits – 5

Type of control – Exam

Description: The main patterns of development and vital activity of the body, supported by the structural organization of cells, tissues and organs. Histofunctional features of tissue elements. Methods of their research. The development of tissues and organs in the embryo. Development of organ systems. Respiratory system, cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, etc. Germ cell production, embryo formation and development. maternal life fetus . General pathology

General pathology -1

Number of credits – 10

Type of control – Exam

Description:  The discipline “Introduction to General Pathology” introduces general pathological processes, studies altitude sickness, cell damage, inflammation, pathology of water-salt balance, acid-base imbalance, reactive pathology of oncotic diseases. Morphological changes in these situations.

\ Pharmacology

Number of credits – 11

Type of control – Exam

Description:   The subject and tasks of pharmacology, its place among other medical disciplines. Prescriptions for medicines. General pharmacology. Pharmacological kinetics and pharmacological dynamics of drugs. Classification, mechanism of action, pharmacological effects, indications and contraindications, side effects of the main groups of drugs

 Introduction to Clinical medicine

Number of credits – 5

Type of control – Exam

Description: The discipline forms knowledge of the main issues of pathogenesis and clinical manifestations of pathological conditions that develop as a result of acute diseases in adults and children that threaten the life of the patient (injured) and require first aid; knowledge and skills in providing first aid to the sick and injured in the most common emergency conditions, injuries, accidents .

 Public medicine

Number of credits – 9

Type of control – Exam

Description:  discipline _ _  forms knowledge and skills for assessing public health and its determining factors; systems that ensure the preservation, strengthening and restoration of public health; organizational and medical technologies and management processes, including economic, administrative and organizational ; population health indicators, factors that shape human health (environmental, professional, natural and climatic, endemic, social, epidemiological, psycho-emotional, professional, genetic ).


  General pathology -2

Number of credits – 10

Type of control – Exam

Description:  The discipline forms in-depth knowledge of pathology, necessary for the formation of students’ ability to effectively solve professional medical problems based on the data of pathomorphological studies and pathophysiological analysis of data on pathological processes, conditions, reactions and diseases using knowledge of the general patterns and mechanisms of their occurrence, development and completion , as well as formulate the principles and methods for their detection, treatment and prevention.


Profile disciplines (PD):



Number of credits – 4

Type of control – Exam

Description: Human immune system, humoral and cell-mediated immune system. The normal flora of our body, self-defense of our body from infection. Immunity to infections. Immunodiagnostics. Vaccine. Sterilization and disinfection. Bacteriology of water and air. Microorganisms associated with gastrointestinal infections. Gastrointestinal infections caused by parasites. Diseases of the immune system, autoimmune, immunodeficiency diseases, hypersensitivity.


The use of Big Data in medicine

Number of credits – 3

Type of control – Exam

Description:  Predicting the development of diseases. Identification of genetic markers of oncology. Forecasting the state of health of children. Prediction of risk factors in surgery. Big data and medical data processing. Big data and pharmacy. Collection of patient clinical data. Identification of side effects from medications.



 Propaedeutics internal diseases

Number of credits – 4

Type of control – Exam

Description: The discipline teaches students the basics of clinical examination (history taking and physical examination skills) of normal human organs and systems, based on an understanding of the physiological processes that ensure their work, and the pathophysiological mechanisms of the formation of the main clinical symptoms .


 Internal disease 

Number of credits – 14

Type of control – Exam

Description: Etiology and pathogenesis of internal diseases. Clinical and functional laboratory manifestations of typical diseases of internal organs. Skills of examination of therapeutic patients. Basic principles of pharmacological therapy and other methods of treatment and prevention of therapeutic diseases.


 Forensic medicine

Number of credits – 4

Type of control – Exam

Description:  Organizational, procedural bases of forensic and toxicological examination. Objects of expertise, the procedure for its appointment and production. Reasons for mandatory appointment of forensic medical and toxicological examination, its types. Indicative examination of the corpse. Examination of the corpse at the place of its discovery. Documentation of the production of forensic medical and toxicological examination. Organizational and procedural forms of investigative and judicial experiment.


 Introduction to Pediatrics

Number of credits – 4

Type of control – Exam

Description: Pediatrics is a field of clinical medicine that studies the pathology of childhood, as well as the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of childhood diseases, taking into account the age characteristics of the child’s body. Forms knowledge about antenatal fetal protection, dynamic monitoring of the child, the organization of rational feeding, preventive vaccinations, preparing children for admission to preschool institutions and school.


General surgery

Number of credits – 4

Type of control – Exam

Description: The discipline forms important professional skills of examining a patient with various pathologies of internal organs , which are key in the practice of clinical medicine ; based on an understanding of the physiological processes that ensure their work, and the pathophysiological mechanisms of the formation of the main clinical syndromes .  Develops the foundations of clinical thinking, medical ethics.



Number of credits – 4

Type of control – Exam

Description:  The discipline introduces the basics of organizing obstetric care to the population; physiology of pregnancy and childbirth, general principles of examination , methods of clinical examination of pregnant women ; the most dangerous complications of pregnancy and childbirth, with their early symptoms and preventive measures ; peculiarities of pregnancy management in extragenital diseases; the principle of AMI and the methods of first aid in emergency obstetric pathology



Number of credits – 5

Type of control – Exam

Description:  Contraception and the latest symptoms of gynecological diseases. Violation of the function of the uterus, uterine bleeding. Menstrual disorders. Amenorrhea. neuroendocrine syndromes. Inflammatory diseases of the uterus and appendages. Purulent adnexal formations. Sepsis. Acute renal failure in gynecology. Operational gynecology . E k topical pregnancy .



Number of credits – 5

Type of control – Exam

Description: Otorhinolaryngology is a field of clinical medicine that studies the etiology, pathogenesis, course, methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases of the ear, nose, paranasal sinuses, pharynx and larynx and related areas (a number of diseases of the esophagus, trachea, bronchi and lungs).



Number of credits – 4

Type of control – Exam

Description: Clinical anatomy and functions of the organs of vision. clinical refraction. Pathology of the anterior part of the eye. Pathology of the vascular tract and lens. Glaucoma. Injuries of the organs of vision. Diseases of the orbit. Eye microbiology, eye pathology, eye pharmacology. Diseases of the iris. Diseases of the lacrimal apparatus. Conjunctivitis and ophthalmia in newborns. Trachoma and other chronic conjunctivitis. Keratitis and corneal ulcers. Ulcer cornea . Scleritis and episcleritis .




Number of credits – 4

Type of control – Exam

Description: Noninfectious dermatoses. infectious dermatoses. Infections. Synthesis of melanin. Allergic disorders. Drug rashes, urticaria, erythema multiforme . Vesicular bullous diseases, epidermopoiesis . Psoriasis. Pathogenesis. Syphilis. Gonococcal and non-gonococcal infections. HIV infection, emergency dermatological care.



Number of credits – 4

Type of control – Exam

Description:  The discipline forms the knowledge of diagnosing kidney diseases and their treatment (medication, dialysis, transplantation), as well as monitoring patients with a transplanted kidney. Learns about the basic principles of emergency care for emergency and life-threatening conditions in patients with kidney pathology; about the main principles and methods of prevention of kidney diseases, the principles of rehabilitation; about the main methods of renal replacement therapy, indications and contraindications to them .



Number of credits – 4

Type of control – Exam

Description:  This discipline is a section of clinical medicine, a section of surgery that studies the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of deformities and dysfunctions of the musculoskeletal system, which are the result of congenital defects, malformations, consequences of injuries or diseases..



Number of credits – 3

Type of control – Exam

Description: The discipline forms knowledge about the principles of image acquisition in radiological diagnostic methods; diagnostic capabilities of various methods of radiation diagnostics; properties of sources of ionizing radiation, basic methods of dosimetry and clinical dosimetry; tactics and appropriate sequence of application of radiation studies in the most common diseases; radiation reactions and damage during radiation therapy, methods for their prevention.  


 infectious diseases

Number of credits – 5

Type of control – Exam

Description: Infectious diseases – a clinical discipline containing systematic scientific knowledge about the etiology, pathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis, therapy, specific and non-specific prevention of infectious diseases in children and adults; prevention of topical infectious diseases, including skin diseases and tuberculosis. Considers the organization of sanitary and anti-epidemic (preventive) measures in order to prevent the occurrence and spread of infectious diseases.



Number of credits – 5

Type of control – Exam

Description: The discipline lays the foundation for the study of surgical activity, which is necessary for any clinician, regardless of his further specialization. Forms the skills of collecting and analyzing information about the patient’s health status, solving practical problems of diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation of patients and prevention of surgical diseases; professional medical behavior, the basics of clinical thinking, maintaining medical records.



Number of credits – 5

Type of control – Exam

Description: The discipline studies the nervous system both in normal and pathological conditions, deals with the occurrence of diseases of the central and peripheral parts of the nervous system, and also studies the mechanisms of their development, symptoms and possible methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention..



Number of credits – 4

Type of control – Exam

Description:  This discipline is a branch of clinical medicine that studies how to protect the body from surgical trauma and its consequences, as well as from pathological disorders caused directly by surgical disease, by managing vital body functions during surgery and in the postoperative period.


 Psychiatry and Narcology

Number of credits – 5

Type of control – Exam

Description: Discipline forms knowledge about systematized scientific knowledge about the methods of diagnosis , treatment, prevention of mental and behavioral disorders. Studies the main narcological syndromes, clinic, the course of diseases caused by the use of psychoactive substances; mental illness in adults, patterns of course and development of affective pathology. Introduces social work oh _ rehabilitation of patients ; t ore , judicial and military medical expertise ; _ _ with anitarian-educational , psycho – educational and psycho- hygienic activities . _



Number of credits – 3

Type of control – Exam

Description: The discipline studies the etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis of diseases of the urinary, reproductive system and other pathological processes in the retroperitoneal space; modern methods of examination , treatment and prevention of a patient with genitourinary pathology; dispensary observation of patients, indications for sanatorium treatment of urological patients; methods of physiotherapy and exercise therapy for urological patients; issues of temporary and permanent disability.



Number of credits – 4

Type of control – Exam

Description:   The discipline studies the processes of biosynthesis and the mechanisms of action of hormones, the etiology, pathogenesis and clinical manifestations of both endocrine diseases and endocrine system disorders in other pathologies. Endocrinology, as the science of the humoral integrative system of the body, is one of the most intensively developing branches of clinical medicine



Number of credits – 5

Type of control – Exam

Description: The discipline studies the etiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations of the most common diseases of the respiratory system; principles, basic diagnostic methods, principles of differential diagnosis of diseases of the respiratory system; the main groups of drugs and the main methods of therapeutic effects used in the treatment of diseases of the pulmonological profile . Introduces the basic principles of diagnostics and emergency care in emergency and life-threatening conditions in patients with pathology of the respiratory system .



Number of credits – 5

Type of control – Exam

Description:  The discipline studies the clinical symptoms and pathogenesis of major gastroenterological diseases in adults, their prevention, diagnosis and treatment, indications and contraindications for diagnostic studies ; approaches to the choice of diagnostic methods; technique for performing diagnostic procedures, possible complications in their implementation; the significance of the indicators obtained during the examination for the diagnosis and prognosis of the disease.



Number of credits – 5

Type of control – Exam

Description: The discipline reflects both the importance of early diagnosis of cardiac arrhythmias and conduction disorders, prevention of severe complications, and the importance of mastering the general principles of managing patients with cardiac arrhythmias and conduction disorders, including indications for interventional methods of treatment and management tactics after device implantation.


General education discipline/ Component of choice (CC/UC)


 Social medicine

Number of credits – 5

Type of control – Exam

Description: The science of the patterns of development of public health and health care, the social problems of medicine. It studies the manifestations, properties, structure, variability of properties and consequences of public health and the health of human communities, as well as ways to influence communities in order to improve the health of citizens. Forms knowledge about preventive medicine, behavioral sciences, health education, environment, biostatistics , epidemiology, nutrition, maternal and child health, rehabilitation, epidemiology of infectious and non-communicable diseases.


Training and industrial practice


 Hospital doctor’s assistant

Number of credits – 4
Type of control – Differential credit

Description: The discipline forms knowledge of the main issues of pathogenesis and clinical manifestations of pathological conditions that develop as a result of acute diseases in adults and children that threaten the life of the patient (injured) and require first aid; knowledge and skills in providing first aid to the sick and injured in the most common emergency conditions, injuries, accidents .


  Clinical skills

Number of credits – 3

Type of control – Differential credit

Description: The discipline reinforces the knowledge and skills to provide emergency care; improves practical skills in direct examination of the patient, interpersonal communication and patient counseling; conducting differential diagnosis and prescribing adequate individual emergency care on calls to an ambulance. Introduces the organization of work and the execution of medical documentation of the ambulance and emergency medical service.